The Origin   triquetra

Galleria-De-Artiste began as a basic sketch page. It transformed into this enormous platform .This all started on a warm Sunny morning during quarantine, when I was bored and was searching through my Stuff. I glanced upon my sketches, and wondered if it was any use, or if it would make any difference. To be Honest I thought it wouldn't. However, since I had no-one to help me, I decided to rather build a platform for myself and other interested, young talents.

The Goal Was To Bring Under One Roof, Various Talents, Everyone Is Trying To Showcase.

The mission

There was an idea... to bring together a community of remarkable talents, to see if they could become something more. So that, when the time came, we could potray the talents that they never could.

team  The Team

Meet the members of the Team who have worked towards building and spreading the community in the first place.


Outreach Coordinator


Outreach Coordinator


Legal Consultant

